Twittering Media
*** TOPICAL TWEETS *** by @mediagonebad Cable News When I see military aficionado Wolf Blitzer on CNN, I turn to MSNBC. When I see military aficionado Chris Matthews on MSNBC, I turn to Democracy Now! O’Reilly and Limbaugh are toads. Ignore them. Let them be toads, hopping & eating bugs. Don’t pick them up and let them pee on your hand. Dear Fox News: You think big national media ask the right questions? Really? They sure didn’t in lead-up to Iraq occupation. Dear Fox News: Why do you hate anything that resembles democracy? Repeat after me: “Media diversity is a good thing.” Dear Fox News: Big corporate media have failed us time and again. It is refreshing to see smaller, less self-serving media asking questions. C’mon President Obama, stand up to the cronyism, to the good ‘ol boys (including Coultergeist) on Fox News. This is the change we need. Ethics Biggest problem is separating news from advertising and entertainment, for example ads with fake news anchors. Note to Journalists...